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Scholarships (Selected)

  • Sep 2023: First Prize, Academics Scholarship, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University (7500 CNY)
  • Oct 2022: National Scholarship (Graduate) (20000 CNY)
  • Sep 2022: First Prize, Academics Scholarship, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University (7500 CNY)
  • Oct 2019: National Scholarship (Undergraduate) (8000 CNY)

Academic Awards

  • Best Paper Award, IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC), 2021


  • Aug 2023: Third Prize in SolverChallenge23 (solve 10 large-scale linear system puzzles as fast as possible) (2000 CNY)
  • Dec 2022: Second Prize (rank 2/45) in Tianchi Competition: DeepRec CTR Model Performance Optimization. (optimize training processes of 6 click-through rate prediction models) (30000 CNY)
  • May 2021: First Prize and Application Innovation Award (highest score in quantum circuit simulation) in ASC20-21. (build high-performance clusters and optimize large-scale applications in limited time) (10000 CNY)
  • April 2021:Finalist Award in Mathematical Contest In Modeling
  • Nov 2020:Second Prize in Lanqiao Cup National Final (C/C++)


  • Nov 2022: Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award, Beijing
  • July 2022: Outstanding Graduate, Beijing
  • Sep 2021: Excellent Undergraduate Student, Beihang University
  • Sep 2019: Excellent Undergraduate Student, Beihang University